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What is TDS in Your Water?

Pesticides. Arsenic. Microscopic bits of plastics. All kinds of threatening particles are lurking in your tap water, making it less safe (not to mention less tasty) to drink. One measure of the purity of your drinking water is its TDS.  In this blog, we’re talking about what TDS is, what causes it,...

What Causes Bronchitis?

You’ve had a persistent cough for a couple of weeks now. It feels like your lungs are constantly filled with gunk. No matter what you do, you can’t seem to clear your throat. What gives? You might be dealing with bronchitis. In this blog, let’s talk about what bronchitis is,...

Declutter Your Home for Your Health

“Eh, I’ll clean that up tomorrow,” you say to the growing pile of mail on the counter, the dishes in the sink, or the mountain of laundry on the couch. But all that clutter isn’t just unsightly. It could be affecting your health. Research tells us that clutter can stress you...

Hard Water Vs. Soft Water: What’s the Big Deal?

Water type and quality can range widely from state to state, and even more so from country to country. For instance, there’s a difference between well water and city/public water. You might’ve also heard about hard water vs soft water. What’s the difference between hard and soft water, and what...

Sleep Hack: Does Air Quality Promote Better Sleep?

There are a few non-negotiables in life — things human beings must have in order to survive. Namely, there’s food, water, and sleep. Ironically, most humans are chronically dehydrated, the standard American diet is nothing to write home about, and we are perpetually exhausted. In this blog, we’re focusing on...

The Long-Term Effects of Wildfire Smoke

Every year, wildfires burn millions of acres across the United States. By far, California sees the worst of it. However, wildfires also break out in Oregon, Montana, Washington, Arizona, and Idaho, among other states. It’s not just the devastation to Mother Nature that we have to think about. There are long-term...

7 Facts About Air Pollution That Will Leave You Breathless

The air we breathe isn’t necessarily front of mind, but maybe it should be. The oxygen we welcome into our bodies affects one of the most basic and vital processes in our systems: the capacity for our lungs to do their jobs effectively. Alarmingly, even if you can’t see, feel,...

Do Air Purifiers Help With Allergies?

If sneezing, coughing, sinus congestion, or itchy eyes are plaguing you, then you might be dealing with allergies. Allergies can range from mildly irritating to almost debilitating. In a nutshell, you experience allergic reactions because the air you breathe has tiny particles that can cause skin and respiratory complications. Making...

The Best Air Purifier for Smoke

2020 data from the CDC tells us that roughly 12.5% of US adults (18+) smoked. This translates to more than 30 million people. Maybe you’re a smoker or you live with one, and you want to do something about the smoky smell that seems to have permanently taken up residence in...

An Air Purifier for Your Baby's Bedroom

Your child's well-being and safety are your top priorities throughout their lives. However, pollutants floating in the air might disrupt your child's peace. Studies show that indoor air is more polluted than outside air. According to the World Health Organization, more than 90% of children breathe toxic air daily. Their...

What to Know About Air Purifiers

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution has become the world's single greatest environmental health risk. Reports by WHO also show that one in eight global deaths results from air pollution. Exposure to outdoor and indoor air pollution plays a role in developing respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. ...

Do Air Purifiers Help with Carbon Monoxide?

So, you’ve taken the next proactive step in protecting your health and brought an air purifier into the home. Wise move! But now, you’re wondering exactly what it’s capable of filtering from the air. In particular, do air purifiers help with carbon monoxide? Let’s explore! Wait, What is Carbon Monoxide?...